Saturday, January 3, 2009

haPPy neW YeaR!!

hello to anyone that might still check this blog haha!! 'tis a brand new year and all is finALLy mostly well again. Thank you to EvERyone that sent well wishes and cards and little gifties..they honestly helped and were so much appreciated!! I'm happy to say that this is the first year in a very long time that my new years resolution wasn't to lose weight, but to be healthy and look for joy even in the smallest of things...umm like ArtFEst!! and herbal tea, cozy fires, hockey, and mostly my dear family and friends that were there for me..i love you ALL so0ooo much!!! and i leave you with a picture of my friends new little pup. A French Bulldog named Auggie!!


Anonymous said...

That face!!!

"Sunshine" said...

KARI!!! I've missed reading from you and man is that the cutest 'lil pup EVER! Blessings and warm hugs to you, your loved ones and your family.

Thank you for the sweet card, I've been trying to write you back for a while now, hehe.

Nothing is perfect I keep telling myself!

I love you girl!

sunesoul said...

Hey Kari,
Great to see a post from you! Hope that you are feeling better. I love the beginning of a new many possibilities!
take care,
PS. Very cute pup!