Sunday, May 15, 2011

has it reaLLy been that long???

hey! if you click on the underlined part below, you get a little peek at Mr. Alastair, the Apothecary Bear :) he's almost ready for his public, he needs a few finishing touches!
So0o a dear friend left me a note yesterday telling me she directed a friend of her's to check out my blog. my BlOg??? forgot i had one, forgot how to post too lol! ok so 2 years went by and i should have a lot to talk about right? it's funny how the more time passes the harder it is to think of something that sums up where i've been and what i've been up to! As some of you may know, i have been struggling with anorexia for over a decade. It's a disorder that kills your creative soul, and turns your days into rituals and obsessions. The past 3 years have been the most difficult, the reason being is that i know so much more about eating disorders, yet i still struggle every day. I thought if I had the information, the treatments, the 'tools' to overcome the fear of recovery I could just do it. Well I'm still fighting the good fight but it does tend to put my creativity on hold for long periods of time.
so0oo blah blah blah...let's get to the fun stuff already~
To get back into the swing of things art-wise i started small...ok not really!! i decided to collage my bedroom door!! Here's the top half....

And here's the bottom!
Couldn't get one snapshot to fit the whole thing in, there's a lot more detail to it but the door's location and all...anyhoo!! Hope you enjoy!
Right now i'm really excited to be working on a bunny girl marionette!! I will update with pictures as i move through the process. It's a new thing for me!!


kari~* said...
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Anonymous said...

It was me, Janelle let to your blog...I'm in awe of your work.

Your creative spirit is merely on hiatus. It is never gone but taking a break until something or someone wonderful inspires that beauty to spill forth. I can't wait for that day, but until then I'll be scouring your blog for inspiration. THANK YOU for being brave enough to post your work...and how grateful I am to Janelle for leading me to it.

Here's to the rebirth of your creative spirit!


Tyn said...

howdy creative partner!
good to see you.

Kari~* said...

Joanne~* so0oo sweet of you to say & Thank YoU for such amazing encouragement!!and YeS you are so right, i'm gonna keep poking that creative spirit 'till she comes back!! :)

Good to see you too Lucy *wink*