At Artfest (yes artfest aGain or should i say still??) I met Kelly Rae Roberts a sweet lovely person and wonderful artist! and bought one of her beautiful prints. Her art really inspired me to try to use collage with my love of painting girl portraits. The first shot is the beginning of a portrait that i wasn't really happy with, something about her eyes weren't quite right. I usually really stress about painting over something I'm not happy with, thinking "what if the next try is worse?" And on top of that i used a REaL canvas, that i actually PAid For!! I usually work on wood that my DH has leftover from jobs so i doesn't seem like a big deal if i screw it up. i can just put it in the fireplace and start over. So0oo after staring at this piece for days, i just went for it. It was making me crazy and i wasn't about to put a ReaL CanVAS in the fireplace!
ThiS--is the result and I'm really really happy with this pretty girl! Later I'll post the completely finished portrait, but it's gloomy out now and since i have a hard enough time taking good pics even in the best lighting i'm gonna wait. But i wanted to share because I'm kinda proud of myself for 1.not hucking the while thing in the fire. and 2. using real canvas like a REaL ARtisT!! These two shots are of my pups relaxing in the sun. Cute tiny Bijoux and my "big dog" Oliver, who look super sweet with his summer-do!
I love her cheeks! Also, love the family won't let me near the animal shelter and most pet stores on Saturdays and I am often found coaxing stray dogs home. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats and enough pet fur around to create at least one other animal on a daily basis. Hugs! from your House 15 roomie
loving the painting!!!
I love her cheeks! Also, love the family won't let me near the animal shelter and most pet stores on Saturdays and I am often found coaxing stray dogs home.
We have 3 dogs and 2 cats and enough pet fur around to create at least one other animal on a daily basis.
Hugs! from your House 15 roomie
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